THE WEDDING OFAlif & AnnisaKepada Yth;
Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/iNama TamuDi Tempat -
“And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.”(Q.S. Ar-Rum : 21)
BismillahirrahmanirrahimDengan memohon Rahmat
dan Ridho Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala kami bermaksud menyelenggarakan Pernikahan kamidengan -
WEDDINGEventAkad NikahAhad, 23 Februari 2025Pukul 08.30-12.00 WITAIKMS Bali, Br Sari Buana Jl Gunung Lebah No 25, Tegal Harum, Kec Denpasar Barat, Bali00Hari00Jam00Menit00DetikResepsiAhad, 23 Februari 2025Pukul 08.30-12.00 WITAIKMS Bali, Br Sari Buana Jl Gunung Lebah No 25, Tegal Harum, Kec Denpasar Barat, Bali
MapsIKMS Bali, Br Sari Buana Jl Gunung Lebah No 25, Tegal Harum, Kec Denpasar Barat, BaliPetunjuk Ke Lokasi
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We would like to thank you for sharing in our wedding celebration. We are grateful for your presence, warm wishes, and your generous gift. We look forward to our future together and to making more memories with you.See You On Our Big DayAlif & Annisa
04 Feb 2025